从他们踏入校园的那一刻起, our students set out on a journey to discover who they are and find their place in the world. 它们每天都飞得更高, fostered by a culture of giving back to the College and the scholarship programs that have supported generations of Soaring Eagles.

There are many opportunities to benefit EC students and the College in meaningful ways. The Office of Institutional Advancement works with donors to find the opportunity that matches their desires and supports the programs and initiatives that benefit our campus and students.



"The most important thing is to ensure 埃尔迈拉大学 continues to impact the lives of students – the same as it did for me."


特别活动 奉献星期二和永恒的mg冰球突破豪华版下载 在您的支持下取得了创纪录的成功. 因为这种慷慨, we can help our students with merit scholarships and other financial assistance, all while preparing future generations with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed for success in today’s world.


“EC continues to lead with spirit, comradery, and feeling like you have a friend. … There is something special about this place and you want to give back to that. You want to make sure this school is open in 10 or 20 years, because a lot of schools aren't. 人们给予回报是很重要的.”



Calling all 埃尔迈拉大学 Alumni… Want to leave a lasting legacy at your 埃尔迈拉大学? The Class of 2008 is here to guide you through simple steps to make a real impact. 这个班已经提前准备好了他们的2028年同学会礼物, funding the creation of a campus patio to be located between Perry and Tompkins Residence Halls, 通过使用下面三个简单的步骤. These steps are sure to get your classmates on board and help create a lasting legacy that your Class will be proud to leave behind.

  • 计划就是一切. Start by working with the EC Advancement team to determine your project and timeline. The Class of 2008 has already begun fundraising for their 20th reunion, giving them five years to reach their project goal and make their big reveal at the 2028 Reunion. 除了, it is important to identify a project that is both meaningful to your Class and beneficial to future generations of Soaring Eagles.
  • 培养你的班级精神. 谁比你更了解你的同学? Reach out to classmates and reminisce about your time at EC - Holiday Banquet, 烛光, 午夜早餐. 利用学院的年度捐赠日来增加支持. This coming year, Elmira Everlasting is on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. 在这一天,每一份礼物,无论大小都很重要. And the Class with the highest number of gifts will be crowned the Most Everlasting Class, 这是2008届毕业生在过去两年里一直享有的头衔. Collaborating for a common cause will reunite your Class and remind them of the bond you share.
  • 以独特的方式启动你的项目. The Class of 2008  turned to social media and launched an online campaign on 8/8 to kick off their reunion fundraiser. Top donors and participants were entered to win gift cards supplied by Class Officers. They promoted the campaign on social media throughout the day, encouraging each other to keep going. With 38 donors and over $2,000 in gifts, it was a great way to begin their project. 
Members of the Class of 2008 cheer as they march in the Reunion 2023 parade

当被问及为什么支持mg冰球突破豪华版下载时, 08届特工梅根·麦德龙, 解释了, “它将永远是我的家. All these years later I still get the ‘warm and fuzzies’ when I step on campus. EC is truly the place that set me on the path to becoming the person I am today. I know how transformative a liberal arts education can be and how without the help of Alumni, 我就不会有现在的经历. 在成为接收方之后, it brings me such joy to pay it forward and help support current students. EC is built on traditions, one of which is a tradition of Alumni involvement and support. 我真的很自豪能成为这一传统的一部分.” 

Together, your Class can make a lasting impact that will ensure a legacy for generations to come. 关于让你的班级参与或项目想法的信息, 联络欧共体进修处,电邮 (607) 735-1770 or advancement@vrps.net
